Sunday, December 1, 2013

Kewanna Snow Days!

We had SNOW the other day! In November!
It was terrible and disgusting, but we did survive the mild blizzard of November '13. In the spirit of not-moving-to-the-South, me and the dogs played Snow Frisbee!
This is Harley and Milo playing fetch-NOT and Jamie playing with the soft frisbee nobody likes but her.
This is a proper dog playing proper fetch.
Alone in the yard Milo can play some really good Frisbee, but he doesn't share well and ends up destroying the nice retrieves of others. He is 10 lbs. of Frisbee fury in a sporty little coat.
Until he gets his way and the Frisbee is his!
He then kills it violently, parades through the yard with his prize, and eventually returns it to me for another toss to begin the madness again.
But look at this face! I don't even hold it against him the fiend! Tiny Minksliciousness is the epitome of adorable, even though he is a horrible little fink on his best days. 
Possum watches the drama with interest if there are a lack of birds to chase. He doesn't believe in Frisbee at all, only birds. His biggest contribution to the games are latching on to Harley and hump-skiing through the yard while Harley chases the Frisbee and tries to wrestle it from Milo. It's hilarious and unfortunately has yet to be caught on camera. So instead here he is looking casual and debonair in his own stylish coat.
Happy dogs come from Kewanna! Jamie is on trial in a foster home! Happy happy girl she will hopefully have a family to call her own soon!
This is my favorite of the day, Zak and Harley in unison.