First off, some of the most exciting news to ever be heard, MY FENCE IS DONE!!!
The beagle is quite delighted, and now spends most her time out in her 'domain' sniffing to her mad minds content, and sleeping the in the sun. Lots of lots of the latter.
It is also of great enjoyment to the alpacas, and here is Ficus out enjoying grass!
I love this picture, the redbuds were beautiful in bloom this year, and the 'pacas love their pasture. L to R Andy, Dark Star, Titan, and Snap.
And then their was the death of my beloved, albiet ancient, truck. A loyal and semi-dependable friend (as long as you had certain tools and carborator know-how on hand) it was with me for the last 7 years of it's life. It served well nearly to 500,000 miles, so it has been a tribute to the name Ford.
After it's sad demise, I found a new Ford (DUH!) on Easter. It's a '99 so still been on the road longer then me, but it's not older then me, so I'm stepping up in the world.
And beyond it's still-driving condition it's totally bad-ass and looks good in my driveway. It also has a crew cab, so if someone wants to ride with us there is whole back seat for them and Zak never has to give up his spot. The world is good.
I also have a new blueberry patch. 10 plant, 5 varieties, and I as of right now they have wee green blueberries on them. Eventually they will be a hedge between the chainlink and the driveway. This was planted with a long-winded and complicated system to establish proper blueberry growing grounds, and it seems to have worked quite well, they are growing like crazy.
There is the start of a lilac hedge between the road and the chainlink going the other way.
And here is some of the pottery made by the worlds maddest squirrel monkey, before firing. I am getting gads of awesome stuff out the deal and will be showing off my finished yarn bowl next. Dating a potter has perks.
It's also that time of year. Shearing season. Fuzzy madness is filling my house. And my truck, and my everything. But on the bright side, JJ says the mountains of fluff are perfect for catnaps.
And last some knitting. The top sock is commercial yarn, with paw-print lace, which you can't see terribly well in that picture. The bottom sock is made with my hand-dyed Lizard yarn, with a DNA cable up the side, which you can't see at all in that picture.
And that is my very brief, completely un-informative update, due to shearing insanity. Maybe I will have something better to say before June.