I came home yesterday to a giant box on the porch. Christmas for a farrier!
Rasps, epoxys, pads (draft/horse, soft/medium/hard), boots, boots, and boots! I have Gloves, Epics, and Edges (my personal favorite).
Here are a pair of mini Epics, they are way cute for words. Next to them are #2's which are an average horse size.
Everything has the new gaiters on them, they are lower cut with thinner velcro, but better padded. They are a new streamlined fit to reduce rubbing.
And my favorites- Edges. These are such cool boots, I think they should be more popular then they are. They only make them up to #3's, or Sonny would have a pair. They have a padded tongue, and are completely smooth inside, so they slip on and off very easily. They hold pads, and are very low profile to avoid any rubs. They also have the wicked bare-style tread.